Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Birthday Weekend!

We went to Lydia’s final soccer game Saturday morning, in the rain!
Friday night we went to see 101 Dalmatians at Rhea Central. It was very cute but nowhere near as good as The Jungle Book was a couple years back…in my humble opinion. Haha 
Anna Kate made me one of her special birthday cards!
Joel’s been working on a new camp sign. It’s looking good!
Lydia and her pal Mary after the game. 
We went to go check out our new summer home. It still needs a little work, but it’s coming right along. We’re so excited to be able to live at camp for the summer!!!

We had an egg toss after my party. I kept getting pelted with eggs! Yuck!
My traditional dirt cake. I think I’ve had one since my 8th or 9th birthday. Can’t quit a tradition that tasty!
Found Steven snuggled up with Stripes one night. So cute!
And finally, a loaded down golf cart. Good times!


Friday, May 3, 2024

Happy Birthday to Me!

I had a lovely birthday! It started out with Joel cooking up a delicious breakfast for me. My students were so sweet at school. One little kindergarten girl sang to me and then said, I have been waiting many, many days for this! So cute! For lunch, I got to sneak away to MoMo’s with Heather, Laurel, and Micah! They even brought me dirt cake oreos and a singing pup!
For dinner, we went to Delia’s, with a gift card from our favorite neighbors…or “old neighbors” as Anna Kate always corrects me. Joel told the waitress it was my birthday, and she came out with a flaming dessert! I was so shocked! Cracked up through the whole song!

The boys were pointing to the fish. Benjamin said, is this fish moving or dead?? Haha 
Steven is proud of his muscles!

 Feeling fine at thirty nine!

Friday, April 26, 2024

Winding Down!

The school year is finally winding down. Hip hip hooray! I’ve only gotta get up at 6:40 19 more times, and then it’ll officially be sweet summer time!
Here’s a funny story for ya:
A few weeks ago, one of my first grade students, Juan, said that I really reminded him of someone, but he couldn’t think of who it was. A little while later, he excitedly said, I know who it is! Aquaman’s mom!!! So I did a quick google search, expecting to see an old hag. And look what popped up!
I said, wow! She is beautiful! And he said, yeah! And she’s really cool like you too!
And now I officially have a new favorite student. Haha
So I went home and showed my family, and Steven pipes up, “Mom, you don’t look like that AT ALL!”
It was nice while it lasted. 

Speaking of Steven, he finally got his kindergarten shots. I put it off until absolutely necessary. And he bought himself a Lego set as his reward. It was his idea to spend his own money, bc he says I never let him spend it. Haha
My girls chose to match one day a few weeks ago. I had to document that. It’s a rare treat these days. 
We have two pet snakes living near our creek. They’re always sunning themselves on the rocks. Not really liking that!
We have a family meetup at Firehouse almost every week, as I drive between my schools. Always fun!
The Aquarium came to visit the boys at MDO. They got to see a turtle, a starfish, a frog, and something else. They were hoping to see a shark, an otter, and a penguin. Hahaha
Sweet cousins after church! Can you believe they’re only one year apart?! Laurel makes Benjamin look like a giant!
Here’s Benjamin playing with one of his best buddies from school during one of Lydia’s soccer games. 
I got a new kindergarten student (the tiny one in the middle). She is SO cute!
Joel’s got some beautiful irises blooming around our house. I love them, especially the dark purple ones!
And here’s our soccer star! Who knew I could give birth to an athlete?! Don’t worry. I think she might be done after this season. But I’m proud of her for giving it a go!
 And there you have it. My random pictures from April. 

Monday, April 22, 2024

Goal Gal Getaway!

We had another wonderful Goal Gal Getaway last weekend! My kids enjoyed the weekend with Joel. He even took them to a big playground and Chick-fil-a!
Anna Kate got all ready for her friend Ella’s bowling birthday party. Anna Kate makes the cutest cards with little gifts wrapped up inside.
Now onto the getaway…

As you can see, we had a lovely time! Micah joined us this time, and I’d say that he loved it too!
These three matched at our dinner out on the town. 

We took a lot of group pictures!
We ate at The Butter Dish on Saturday as a little farewell party for our beloved Courtney. Cathie, Amanda, and Esperanza joined us for dinner. 
The house we rented had a wardrobe full of costumes, so of course we had to try some on!

So glad Ashley was finally able to join us!

I made two batches of the most delicious brownies…they’ve become part of our tradition.
Here are my kiddos at the Soddy Daisy playground.

Our house was very nice and spacious. 
We enjoyed a campfire, complete with s’mores and the loud calls of peacocks nearby. 
And there you have it! A good time was had by all!