Thursday, November 3, 2011

Happy Birthday, Caleb!

Today is my nephew Caleb's 2nd birthday!
He is so sweet! 
And funny! 
Happy Birthday, Caleb!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Virginia Creeper Trail!

Join me on a ride down the Virginia Creeper Trail!
It is a 17 mile bike trip!
Almost all of it is downhill! 
(my kinda ride!)
Daddy found a beaver stick. 
Mother Dear.
We all made it down with zero crashes.
It was lots of fun!
we got to stay in a super-deluxe cabin! 
It was a wonderful way to spend fall break!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Apple Barn!

A couple weeks ago we took a trip to Wooden's Apples
on Dayton Mountain.
We picked out a few pumpkins. 

Then we went inside for some snackeroos.
Apple fritters!
And apple dumplings!  YUM!
Now here's a funny story for ya:
Josiah wanted an apple really badly. 
I was walking around with him,
and he somehow weasled his way in front of a crowd of people picking out apples.
In just a second I see him grab a tomato.
(He thought it was an apple.)
He took a big bite out of it,
and then, realizing it was a tomato, threw it on the ground!
I grabbed him and the tomato.
He proceeded to throw a fit.
Oh heavens!
So, Ashley ended up buying a tomato and an apple for Josiah.
He ate almost the whole thing.
Anyways, it was funny!
Happy November!