Monday, April 19, 2021

Kindergarten Projects!

I had a big pile of Anna Kate’s work on the counter. I finally got around to taking pictures of all the big things  so I can throw them in the trash. (Don’t tell Anna Kate!) I’m so glad she’s loving kindergarten! Can’t believe it’s almost over.


Thursday, April 15, 2021

AWANA Grand Prix!

The AWANA Grand Prix was last night! Joel made the girls super cute cars, but unfortunately they weren’t very fast this year. The cake weighed too much. Joel was drilling the bottom out up until the very last minute! One wheel broke off. What a disaster. But by some miracle it rolled down the track! The cake won third place in design...probably because Anna Kate had her fingers and toes crossed. Ha! I don’t understand how Lydia’s hoagie didn’t win a design award. We decided it just must have looked too good! Haha!


Thursday, April 1, 2021

April Fools’ Day!

Last night I was explaining April Fools’ Day to the girls at dinner. When I went to bed I had been pranked by Anna Kate. Haha! She put the note on my door and the lite brite on my pillow. I thought that was an awfully sweet prank until I climbed under the covers and discovered stuffed animals, cars, and all kinds of toys. Ha! Good one, Anna Kate!