Tuesday, July 18, 2023

B’s Big Boy Bed!

I decided it was about time to let Benjamin out of his cage…I mean, crib. Haha We want to move the boys into the same bedroom, so this was the first step. 
I wouldn’t say the transition has been great, but it hasn’t been terrible either. The first night, he stayed in bed all night, but at 6 a.m. I woke up with him silently standing by my bed. Took me by surprise! The second night it was 3:30 a.m. Not good!
My sweet sleeping baby!
I’m a little sad to never need our crib again but mostly very glad!


Monday, July 17, 2023

Day Camp!

Hello everyone! Sorry I got out of my blogging routine. My kids have been keeping me busy this summer. I’ll have to try to catch you up!
This week is day camp for my girls. They’re excited! The boys and I stayed for flag raising today. Always a good time. Benjamin kept cracking up while listening to his Gramma and Poppa entertain the crowd. 
Anna Kate has three sweet friends from school with her at camp this week. 
And just look at all these Gibson cousins! Jonathan and Caleb weren’t around when I took the picture. Looks like we’re populating the place!
My girlies! So glad they love camp!
Madison is staying with us this week. Fun times! Benjamin calls her “Medicine,” or at least that’s what it sounds like. Haha
So here’s to a good week ahead! I’m trying to clean up my house and organize the place. We’re moving the boys into a room together this week. More on that later!