Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cozy Cottage & Kitchen Before & After

Our house was built in 1942.  That's a long time ago!  We bought it knowing full well that it would require a lot of time and hard work.  Since buying the house in June, Joel and many other family members and friends have worked super hard to make it the wonderful little cozy cottage that it is today!  Over the next couple days, I am going to post some before & after pictures to show you just how much has changed! 

This is the first picture I took of our house.  It really didn't look nearly this bad, but I didn't remember to take a "before" picture until it had been partially pressure washed.  I guess that actually helps our after picture look better, so I won't complain!

Here is what our house looks like currently.  There is still plenty to be done, but it is coming along quite nicely.

Now on to our room of the day: the kitchen!  This room is the one that has most drastically changed.  I myself was shocked when I looked back to this before picture today!  

The panelling came down, and we even got new countertops!

From this angle, take note of the cabinets.

I love the painted and modified cabinets!  My dad and Joel put in a dishwasher, which is a definite plus!

We have a little breakfast nook in the corner.  Someday we hope to paint the table and chairs.  I just added a little bookshelf in the corner for my cookbooks.

I just love our cheery, yellow kitchen!  It's one of my favorite rooms in the house!

Stay tuned for more before & after pictures to come!  :)

1 comment:

  1. I just love it! Can't wait to see it in person tonight!
