Friday, February 5, 2016


We just got home from a whirlwind trip to Michigan!  Joel came home from work on Thursday all excited, saying he didn't have to work Friday-Monday, which is quite rare.  So he said, "You'll probably say no, but what do you think about making a quick weekend trip to Michigan?"  Now here's the thing folks, there is no such thing as a QUICK trip to Michigan!  But we would get to see his sweet grandparents and a few other relatives, who had never gotten to meet Anna Kate!  So, much to Joel's surprise, I said yes.  And just a few short hours later we were packed up and headed north!  
I still haven't been able to upload new pictures yet, but I found these funny pictures that Lydia took on the iPad during our trip, and I thought I'd share them, since I've received a few complaints about neglecting my blog.
Now, you're probably saying, "What? A three year old child had an iPad and DVD player going at the same time?!"  That's right folks!  And Anna Kate had an endless supply of crackers, Cheerios, yogurt puffs, graham name it! being passed to her for the nine hour drive!  Whatever it takes to keep peace and harmony...and mainly my own sanity!  (Thank you a million times over for letting us borrow the DVD player, Amanda!)  (And for those curious, the only thing that worked on the Internet-less iPad was the Starfall ABCs...and clearly the camera.)
So there you have it!  We made it and had a lovely time, though I'm still trying to recover!  But, just so you know Pops, my house is almost all the way cleaned up, dishes washed, and laundry done! (Thanks to a wee bit of help from Joel!)  My, my I sure am feeling chatty! :) Hopefully I will return next week with some slightly more exciting pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Jenny,
    No complaints about your blog... Only that we missed ya! ;) And glad to hear our DVD player came in handy! We're happy you're home!!
