Wednesday, June 29, 2016


We are semi-settled into our new home and just loving it!  There is still a ton of painting and hardwood floor laying to do, but besides that we're doing pretty good...thanks to lots of unpacking help from Jessica, Ashley, and my dad!  Our new house seems huge (even though it's really not that much bigger square footage wise)!  Having a third bedroom is awesome, and having a master bedroom you can actually walk in is also awesome!  Our shower is just glorious.  Oh yes, and having our own bathroom is fabulous too!  I could go on and on really, but that's enough about the inside.  Let me tell you about outside.  
Today during nap time, Lydia and I took a bucket and some cups out to our creek and caught five little fish.  Lydia was so excited!  We have also seen several deer, including a young buck.  I just saw a big deer drinking from our creek when I went to release our fishy friends.  So cool!  Oh, and we also have a rabbit named Cottontail that hops by quite regularly.  We left out a bowl of carrots for him last night, but they were still there this morning.  There have been even more creature spottings, but I'll move on yet again...
to blackberries!
We have tons of blackberry bushes all along the edge of our backyard/back hill.  So far we had just had a few to snack on every time we checked, but we went up this evening and there were a ton of ripe blackberries!  We filled two big cups and there are still plenty more for tomorrow!
The girls ate soooo many blackberries! Yum!
These things blow our old mulberries out of the water! :)
Anna Kate would have stayed out there all night eating them, but I finally had to drag the girls inside...
for bath time!
The girls had so much fun playing together in the tub tonight.  I'm hoping that's a sign of good things to come!
So there ya have it, a little update on our lives.  Lydia recently said, "Aren't you so glad we finally moved to the triangle house? We should have done this a long time ago!" 
I sure did love our six years in our old house, but I'm thinking I'm going to love our time here just as much! :)

1 comment:

  1. Yummo!! They're are going to be so many more memories you and your sweet family will have at this house! So happy for you all!
