Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Our New Home!

It finally happened!  We sold our beloved first home on Friday, and yesterday we bought our new home!  (Not sure why there's a pair of pants laying on the ground.)
To celebrate, I decorated our new mailbox.  Maybe just a tad over the top, but the stickers will probably just wash off in the rain anyways.  So this is my trial run.  
Would you all like to come in and take a look around?  Yes?  Right this way!
This is a picture of our living room, looking towards the front door.  The other door you see is Lydia's bedroom, and the opening on the right leads to the kitchen.  Joel is, as I type, preparing the floors so that he and Chris can start laying hardwoods in the morning.  He ripped up the carpet yesterday.  We are going to paint these walls a light blueish color...hopefully we chose wisely, but who knows!
And here we have our master suite, which is pretty sweet!  Joel already painted it a very light grey.
I'm pretty sure it is twice as big as our current bedroom, which means we may actually have some floor to walk on! :)
And two whole closets!  Can you believe it?!  And our very own bathroom, which is also probably twice as big as our current bathroom.  What will we do with all this space?! :)  Here's a funny side story for ya, when Joel and I were moving into our current house, I said, "which side of the closet would you like?"  He said, completely serious, "I get half the closet???  I just assumed you'd get the whole thing." Ha!
Here's our bathroom.
And what you can't see is a nice big closet across from the sinks, twice as big as our current linen closet.  Everything just seems to be doubling doesn't it!
If you head down a little hall, you'll get to Anna Kate's room, which has now been freshly painted.  I'm not sure how I'm going to decorate yet, haven't found the perfect fabric, so we just painted it a very light off whiteish color...and by we I mean Joel.  :) (By the way, I just stole these pictures off the real estate page.)
She has her very own closet too!
Here's the little hall I mentioned, coming out of Anna's room, looking towards our bedroom.  Closet on the left and the girls' bathroom on the right.
We've primed this bathroom, and again, we means Joel.  It's going to be the same color as Anna's room.
This is Lydia's bedroom.  Oh and one of the best features of this house is the HUGE front yard, which she has a great view of out that closed window.
You can see another small hall closet here, which will be the game closet for now.
And here's the kitchen!
Joel's going to put hardwood floors in here too, get new countertops, and he's going to build us an island too!  So much to do! :) (He said he was ready for some new projects, and he sure got em!) That door on the left leads to the garage.  Isn't that fancy! :)
This is the little dining nook, and Joel is going to open up this doorway so it's a little more open between the kitchen and living room.  He might even be doing that right now!  Oh, and to the right is my closet of a laundry room.  All ya need, right?  (I hope!)
And if you'll follow me out the French doors, you will see our new back porch that I love!
Lots of good times waiting to happen here!
Only thing missing is our front yard, which I have no picture of.  We even have our own little creek with craw dads, salamanders, frogs, tiny fish...it's gonna be fun!  You'll just have to come see it to believe it!  I can't wait to show you before and after pictures!  But you'll probably have to wait a while for those!  Only a few more days left here in our little cozy cottage, but we are all very excited to get settled into our new home!  And then head to the beach!  The adventures never end! :)

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