Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Smash Cake!

Let's take a look back to when my baby turned a whopping ONE!
On the day of her party, I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get everything ready, as usual.
When I looked back through the pictures the next day, I realized I hadn't gotten any that I really loved, so what did I do?  I decided to reenact the whole thing, of course!
The decorations were all still in place, and we had plenty of spare cupcakes, so why not give it another go?
Anna Kate didn't seem to mind my request for a reenactment one bit!
She was happy, and I was happily snapping away with no party pressure.
You've just gotta capture these moments, even if they aren't the real deal! :)
So there ya have it, proof that I am a nut...purposely allowing my baby to eat this much sugar and make a huge mess two days in a row.  Gotta do what ya gotta do! :)

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