Friday, August 19, 2016


This looks like a first day of school picture, but it is actually a first day of golf picture! :)
Joel got my dear Grandaddy's old golf clubs a little while back and has been practicing his swing in our new yard.  Today he got all dressed up and went to a golf course with his friend Andy.  He looked so cute, I just had to take some pictures...can't believe he let me! :)
So when the girls and I sat down to pray at lunch I must have said something like, "help Daddy have a good time playing golf," and then Lydia chimed in, "and help him to WIN!!!" Ha!  Then she later said, I know that God will be with Joel (as she so lovingly calls him) at the golf club, because I heard at church that God goes with you wherever you go...even to the golf club.  :)


  1. Oh my heavens... That is just too sweet! ;) Andy said he had a great time golfing with him and said he was pretty good!

  2. Oh my heavens... That is just too sweet! ;) Andy said he had a great time golfing with him and said he was pretty good!
