Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Pocket Wilderness!

Yesterday the boys didn't have school, so Jessica decided we should all go on an adventure.
A little blurry, but look how sweet Anna Kate is nuzzled up to Daddy.
I could not believe Lydia let this katydid crawl on her arm!

Bleeding heart...
I think that's what our tour guide called it.  :)
The cave of wonder.

The boys were quite adventurous!

The boys decided to take the freezing plunge!
There was lots of screaming!

Pay no attention to the nostrils.  Look how pretty her eyes are! :)
And here we have the cute little turkey head!

Lydia loved collecting things.  She kept putting rocks in our backpack and saving leaves for her daddy.
This picture is blurry too, but it just cracks me up for some reason.  Those boys were being nuts!
We had a great adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Looks so fun! I wish so badly me and Ev could've come. I love the picture of Lydia looking up in betwext the tree! (Nostrils and all!! ;)
