Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bathroom Fiasco!

Joel is in the process of tiling our bathroom floor.  Someday soon I will post pictures of the finished product.  The process is taking quite a while...much longer than expected.  It's a little inconvenient to have your toilet sitting in the hallway and the bathroom sink in the dining room...especially when you live in a house with only one bathroom!  Everything was slowed down even slower when there was a momentary four foot fountain installed into our bathroom!  The pipe that goes to the toilet somehow broke in the tiling process, and that is when the fountain came to life.  I was still at school when the disaster took place, but I came home to the effects.  Joel and my dad have fixed up the problems quite nicely, but we still have no toilet, sink, or WATER!  I just took a shower and brushed my teeth at our neighbor's house!  That was very nice and much appreciated!  Anyways, just thought I'd let you know what's been going on here at the cozy cottage today.  I look forward to showing you the fountain-less finished product in the near future!  And you should see our plants' progress!  They are growing machines!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! The bathroom repair I am most looking forward to - a door that shuts! :)
