Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Birthday, Heather!!!

Today is my little sister's 23rd birthday!
Heather is a dear friend of mine.
We've had quite a lot of fun together throughout our days.
She's always been a jolly good time!
We even created our own language,
which no one else can quite seem to master...
although the attempts are greatly appreciated.  ha!
Heather & I look rather similar,
and people have often wondered if we were twins.
We got to share one year of college together,
so now we share the eternal TWC bond! 
Yep, she's a good one!
Now, for your entertainment...
please enjoy our combined talents of whistling & dancing!

Happy Birthday, Beanos!


  1. Louise, I dig you and I always will! But really, the whistling dancing wonder video?!?

  2. Happy birthday to you, Bean! Jenn, I kept thinking this was poetry. It very nearly was.
