Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Our growing garden!

Our garden is getting so big!
Hopefully we'll get to put our plants in the ground soon!
Now the green beans are winning the growing prize!
I'm glad of that! 
And here's another exciting plant that is flourishing!
It's a blackberry (hopefully someday to become) bush!
We just planted a stick, and now there are leaves! 
One more thing!
I can't wait for this one to pop open!
It's an iris! 
Who would have thought that I'd be so excited about all this growth?
Not me!  Not my family!
I'm a new woman!  haha!


  1. I'm so proud. Knew you could do it, Jenny Lou!

  2. Who are you? Is your name even Louise any more? I don't think we can have a garden party now. It's been in jest for the past 10 years. :)
    JK sista! Lookin' good!
    Blog post us on your tree twigs for a good laugh. :)
