Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Moon Sand!

Hello friends!  Today I would like to share a recipe with you.  On our family vacation this summer, we discovered an awesome indoor play place called The Sandbox (www.thesandbox.org).  From the outside, it looked like a normal little house, but inside, each room had been transformed into a really cool play station.  For example, one room had an awesome pirate ship, one had a climbing wall, one had a fort...you get the idea.  Maybe I will post some pictures from that tomorrow.  Not sure if I have them.  Anyways, let's get back to today's topic.  One of the rooms had a big table/bowl full of a magical type of sand.  You could form it into balls...it didn't stick to your hands...it was just magical really.  So when I got home, I looked it up on Pinterest and found lots of recipes to try.  I don't think this recipe quite nailed it, but the pictures of Lydia are cute, so I'm going to post it anyways.  :)
Speaking of Lydia, here she is now, modeling with the ingredients.  By the way, this is the face she got in trouble for at the photography place last week.  The lady told her to smile.  She did this.  The lady then told her to shut her mouth.  She did, and then she melted into a small heap and wept.  Lovely.  Now...back to the moon sand.
To give this recipe a whirl, you will need:
4 cups of play sand
2 cups of corn starch
1 cup of water
(I halved the recipe...thank goodness!)
Mix your ingredients together.
And there you have it, folks!  Time to play!  Lydia didn't quite get into the magical qualities of the sand.  She played with it like normal sand, so it kind of felt like a waste of time.  But, she did LOVE it!!!  Probably because I made a huge mistake, which you've probably already noticed.  I made it inside!  What was I thinking!?  I'll tell you...I was thinking it would be so magical that it wouldn't make a mess. Ha!
We had sand in our house for days!  Maybe even weeks!  It was a real mess.  So, if for some reason you decide to try this out yourself, don't do it inside!!!
When I regain my courage, we are going to try the other recipe that I found.  It uses flour and baby oil.  I'm hoping it will be more like what we were going for.  I'll let ya know!

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